Tornado Fundraiser

Join us for a special evening supporting acclaimed sculptor Natalie Tyler as she brings Tornado to life—an awe-inspiring, 9-foot glass sculpture to be exhibited at Chesterwood this June. Tyler has exhibited widely, including at the United Nations and internationally.

The fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 1st, from 5 to 9:00 p.m. at Doctor Sax House. Dinner will include a presentation by Natalie Tyler and Chesterwood Curator Michael Lynch. Enjoy a cocktail hour, dinner, and live music for an incredible evening!

Doctor Sax House, 35 Walker Street, Lenox, MA

5:00 PM Cocktails
6:00 PM Dinner & Presentations by Natalie Tyler and Chesterwood Curator Michael Lynch
7:30 PM Music

Tickets are on sale at for $150 per person.

If you cannot attend but would like to contribute, please visit the Tornado Fundraiser GOFUNDME.PAGE. Thank you.

This fundraiser is sponsored in part by Art in the Berkshires. Thank you to Doctor Sax House for hosting this special event. For more on Natalie Tyler, visit her website at


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